
Celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Parks in Santa Sofia
A trip into the past to remember Italy’s oldest parks On Tuesday, August 23rd, in Campigna (Santa Sofia, FC), the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Gran Paradiso and

A questionnaire on the perception of ancient forests
From the University of Tuscia, a new survey on citizens’ opinions regarding ancient European beech forests The transnational UNESCO site of the ‘Ancient Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and

LIFE Prognoses
A project dedicated to the European network of UNESCO ancient beech forests Since 2021, the Abruzzo, Lazio, and Molise National Park has been a partner in a new LIFE project

Selva Moricento and ancient beech forests in the centenary of Abruzzo, Lazio, and Molise National Park
A roundtable discussion in the council chamber of the Lecce nei Marsi Municipality As part of the centenary celebrations of the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio, and Molise, a roundtable

A conference on ancient forests and UNESCO beech forests in the Pollino
Celebrations for the recognition obtained by the Pollinello beech forest within the Pollino National Park On Friday, December 3, 2021, at the Catasta in Campotenese, Morano Calabro (CS), a day

More ancient beech forests are being designated UNESCO World Heritage in Italy
Between Aspromonte, Pollino, and Gargano, additional beech forests join the site of Ancient Primeval Beech Forests The UNESCO World Heritage Committee, held on July 28, 2021, in Fuzhou, China, added

A questionnaire on UNESCO beech forests
An economic and touristic development project for Italy’s ancient beech forests The Department of Economics, Engineering, Society, and Business (DEIM) at the University of Tuscia is collaborating on the project

The secrets of beech logevity
Climbing ‘Europe’s Oldest Trees’ to Understand the Law Linking Growth and Longevity The need to explore the mysteries surrounding the longevity of trees has inspired an international study that brought

Expanding the UNESCO site
The importance of the UNESCO network of ancient beech forests for the preservation of the integrity of unique biological and ecological processes in a forest habitat. The conclusion of the

HALF-EARTH: a new agreement between man and nature
Biodiversity conservation and the preservation of ecosystems and natural processes represent the main challenge of our time. The acceleration of human activities in the incessant and indiscriminate use of natural

A Plan for the Conservation of the UNESCO site
Work has been initiated, thanks to funding from the MiBACT (Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities, and Tourism), for the development of a Management Plan for the ancient beech forests in